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(function ($) { "use strict"; // Buy Now Btn $('body').append("<a href='https://1.envato.market/jW3oP6' class='buy-now-btn' target='_blank'><img src='assets/img/envato.png' alt='envato'/>Buy Now</a>"); //Preloader $(window).on('load', function (event) { $('.js-preloader').delay(500).fadeOut(500); }); //Open Search Box $('.searchbtn').on('click', function() { $('.search-area').toggleClass('open'); }); $('.close-searchbox').on('click', function() { $('.search-area').removeClass('open'); }); //Counter $(".odometer").appear(function (e) { var odo = $(".odometer"); odo.each(function () { var countNumber = $(this).attr("data-count"); $(this).html(countNumber); }); }); // Language Dropdown $(".language-option").each(function () { var each = $(this) each.find(".lang-name").html(each.find(".language-dropdown-menu a:nth-child(1)").text()); var allOptions = $(".language-dropdown-menu").children('a'); each.find(".language-dropdown-menu").on("click", "a", function () { allOptions.removeClass('selected'); 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