Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
package CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants; use strict; use CPANPLUS::Error; use Config; use File::Spec; use Locale::Maketext::Simple Class => 'CPANPLUS', Style => 'gettext'; require Exporter; use vars qw[$VERSION @ISA @EXPORT]; use Package::Constants; $VERSION = "0.9138"; @ISA = qw[Exporter]; @EXPORT = Package::Constants->list( __PACKAGE__ ); sub constants { @EXPORT }; use constant INSTALLER_BUILD => 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build'; use constant INSTALLER_MM => 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM'; use constant INSTALLER_SAMPLE => 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample'; use constant INSTALLER_BASE => 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Base'; use constant INSTALLER_AUTOBUNDLE => 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Autobundle'; use constant SHELL_DEFAULT => 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default'; use constant SHELL_CLASSIC => 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic'; use constant CONFIG => 'CPANPLUS::Config'; use constant CONFIG_USER => 'CPANPLUS::Config::User'; use constant CONFIG_SYSTEM => 'CPANPLUS::Config::System'; use constant CONFIG_BOXED => 'CPANPLUS::Config::Boxed'; use constant DEFAULT_SOURCE_ENGINE => 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::Memory'; use constant TARGET_INIT => 'init'; use constant TARGET_CREATE => 'create'; use constant TARGET_PREPARE => 'prepare'; use constant TARGET_INSTALL => 'install'; use constant TARGET_IGNORE => 'ignore'; use constant ON_WIN32 => $^O eq 'MSWin32'; use constant ON_NETWARE => $^O eq 'NetWare'; use constant ON_CYGWIN => $^O eq 'cygwin'; use constant ON_VMS => $^O eq 'VMS'; use constant DOT_CPANPLUS => ON_VMS ? '_cpanplus' : '.cpanplus'; use constant OPT_AUTOFLUSH => '-MCPANPLUS::Internals::Utils::Autoflush'; use constant UNKNOWN_DL_LOCATION => 'UNKNOWN-ORIGIN'; use constant NMAKE => 'nmake.exe'; use constant NMAKE_URL => 'ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/Softlib/MSLFILES/nmake15.exe'; use constant INSTALL_VIA_PACKAGE_MANAGER => sub { my $fmt = $_[0] or return; return 1 if $fmt ne INSTALLER_BUILD and $fmt ne INSTALLER_MM; }; use constant IS_CODEREF => sub { ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' }; use constant IS_MODOBJ => sub { UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1], 'CPANPLUS::Module') }; use constant IS_FAKE_MODOBJ => sub { UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1], 'CPANPLUS::Module::Fake') }; use constant IS_AUTHOBJ => sub { UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1], 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author') }; use constant IS_FAKE_AUTHOBJ => sub { UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1], 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake') }; use constant IS_CONFOBJ => sub { UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1], 'CPANPLUS::Configure') }; use constant IS_RVOBJ => sub { UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1], 'CPANPLUS::Backend::RV') }; use constant IS_INTERNALS_OBJ => sub { UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1], 'CPANPLUS::Internals') }; use constant IS_FILE => sub { return 1 if -e $_[-1] }; use constant FILE_EXISTS => sub { my $file = $_[-1]; return 1 if IS_FILE->($file); local $Carp::CarpLevel = $Carp::CarpLevel+2; error(loc( q[File '%1' does not exist], $file)); return; }; use constant FILE_READABLE => sub { my $file = $_[-1]; return 1 if -e $file && -r _; local $Carp::CarpLevel = $Carp::CarpLevel+2; error( loc( q[File '%1' is not readable ]. q[or does not exist], $file)); return; }; use constant IS_DIR => sub { return 1 if -d $_[-1] }; use constant DIR_EXISTS => sub { my $dir = $_[-1]; return 1 if IS_DIR->($dir); local $Carp::CarpLevel = $Carp::CarpLevel+2; error(loc(q[Dir '%1' does not exist], $dir)); return; }; ### On VMS, if the $Config{make} is either MMK ### or MMS, then the makefile is 'DESCRIP.MMS'. use constant MAKEFILE => sub { my $file = (ON_VMS and $Config::Config{make} =~ /MM[S|K]/i) ? 'DESCRIP.MMS' : 'Makefile'; return @_ ? File::Spec->catfile( @_, $file ) : $file; }; use constant MAKEFILE_PL => sub { return @_ ? File::Spec->catfile( @_, 'Makefile.PL' ) : 'Makefile.PL'; }; use constant BUILD_PL => sub { return @_ ? File::Spec->catfile( @_, 'Build.PL' ) : 'Build.PL'; }; use constant META_YML => sub { return @_ ? File::Spec->catfile( @_, 'META.yml' ) : 'META.yml'; }; use constant MYMETA_YML => sub { return @_ ? File::Spec->catfile( @_, 'MYMETA.yml' ) : 'MYMETA.yml'; }; use constant META_JSON => sub { return @_ ? File::Spec->catfile( @_, 'META.json' ) : 'META.json'; }; use constant MYMETA_JSON => sub { return @_ ? File::Spec->catfile( @_, 'MYMETA.json' ) : 'MYMETA.json'; }; use constant BLIB => sub { return @_ ? File::Spec->catfile(@_, 'blib') : 'blib'; }; use constant LIB => 'lib'; use constant LIB_DIR => sub { return @_ ? File::Spec->catdir(@_, LIB) : LIB; }; use constant AUTO => 'auto'; use constant LIB_AUTO_DIR => sub { return @_ ? File::Spec->catdir(@_, LIB, AUTO) : File::Spec->catdir(LIB, AUTO) }; use constant ARCH => 'arch'; use constant ARCH_DIR => sub { return @_ ? File::Spec->catdir(@_, ARCH) : ARCH; }; use constant ARCH_AUTO_DIR => sub { return @_ ? File::Spec->catdir(@_,ARCH,AUTO) : File::Spec->catdir(ARCH,AUTO) }; use constant BLIB_LIBDIR => sub { return @_ ? File::Spec->catdir( @_, BLIB->(), LIB ) : File::Spec->catdir( BLIB->(), LIB ); }; use constant BIN => 'bin'; use constant SCRIPT => 'script'; use constant CONFIG_USER_LIB_DIR => sub { require CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils; LIB_DIR->( CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils->_home_dir, DOT_CPANPLUS ); }; use constant CONFIG_USER_FILE => sub { File::Spec->catfile( CONFIG_USER_LIB_DIR->(), split('::', CONFIG_USER), ) . '.pm'; }; use constant CONFIG_SYSTEM_FILE => sub { require CPANPLUS::Internals; require File::Basename; my $dir = File::Basename::dirname( $INC{'CPANPLUS/Internals.pm'} ); ### XXX use constants File::Spec->catfile( $dir, qw[Config System.pm] ); }; use constant README => sub { my $obj = $_[0]; my $pkg = $obj->package_name; $pkg .= '-' . $obj->package_version . '.readme'; return $pkg; }; use constant META_EXT => 'meta'; use constant META => sub { my $obj = $_[0]; my $pkg = $obj->package_name; $pkg .= '-' . $obj->package_version . '.' . META_EXT; return $pkg; }; use constant OPEN_FILE => sub { my($file, $mode) = (@_, ''); my $fh; open $fh, "$mode" . $file or error(loc( "Could not open file '%1': %2", $file, $!)); return $fh if $fh; return; }; use constant OPEN_DIR => sub { my $dir = shift; my $dh; opendir $dh, $dir or error(loc( "Could not open dir '%1': %2", $dir, $! )); return $dh if $dh; return; }; use constant READ_DIR => sub { my $dir = shift; my $dh = OPEN_DIR->( $dir ) or return; ### exclude . and .. my @files = grep { $_ !~ /^\.{1,2}/ } readdir($dh); ### Remove trailing dot on VMS when ### using VMS syntax. if( ON_VMS ) { s/(?<!\^)\.$// for @files; } return @files; }; use constant STRIP_GZ_SUFFIX => sub { my $file = $_[0] or return; $file =~ s/.gz$//i; return $file; }; use constant CHECKSUMS => 'CHECKSUMS'; use constant PGP_HEADER => '-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----'; use constant ENV_CPANPLUS_CONFIG => 'PERL5_CPANPLUS_CONFIG'; use constant ENV_CPANPLUS_IS_EXECUTING => 'PERL5_CPANPLUS_IS_EXECUTING'; use constant DEFAULT_EMAIL => 'cpanplus@example.com'; use constant CPANPLUS_UA => sub { ### for the version number ### require CPANPLUS::Internals; "CPANPLUS/$CPANPLUS::Internals::VERSION" }; use constant TESTERS_URL => sub { 'http://cpantesters.org/distro/'. uc(substr($_[0],0,1)) .'/'. $_[0] . '.yaml'; }; use constant TESTERS_DETAILS_URL => sub { 'http://cpantesters.org/distro/'. uc(substr($_[0],0,1)) .'/'. $_[0]; }; use constant CREATE_FILE_URI => sub { my $dir = $_[0] or return; return $dir =~ m|^/| ? 'file://' . $dir : 'file:///' . $dir; }; use constant EMPTY_DSLIP => ' '; use constant CUSTOM_AUTHOR_ID => 'LOCAL'; use constant DOT_SHELL_DEFAULT_RC => '.shell-default.rc'; use constant SOURCE_SQLITE_DB => 'db.sql'; use constant PREREQ_IGNORE => 0; use constant PREREQ_INSTALL => 1; use constant PREREQ_ASK => 2; use constant PREREQ_BUILD => 3; use constant BOOLEANS => [0,1]; use constant CALLING_FUNCTION => sub { my $lvl = $_[0] || 0; return join '::', (caller(2+$lvl))[3] }; use constant PERL_CORE => 'perl'; use constant PERL_WRAPPER => 'use strict; BEGIN { my $old = select STDERR; $|++; select $old; $|++; $0 = shift(@ARGV); my $rv = do($0); die $@ if $@; }'; use constant STORABLE_EXT => '.stored'; use constant GET_XS_FILES => sub { my $dir = $_[0] or return; require File::Find; my @files; File::Find::find( sub { push @files, $File::Find::name if $File::Find::name =~ /\.xs$/i }, $dir ); return @files; }; use constant INSTALL_LOG_FILE => sub { my $obj = shift or return; my $name = $obj->name; $name =~ s/::/-/g; $name .= '-'. $obj->version; $name .= '-'. scalar(time) . '.log'; return $name; }; use constant ON_OLD_CYGWIN => do { ON_CYGWIN and $] < 5.008 ? loc( "Your perl version for %1 is too low; ". "Require %2 or higher for this function", $^O, '5.8.0' ) : ''; }; ### XXX these 2 are probably obsolete -- check & remove; use constant DOT_EXISTS => '.exists'; use constant QUOTE_PERL_ONE_LINER => sub { my $line = shift or return; ### use double quotes on these systems return qq["$line"] if ON_WIN32 || ON_NETWARE || ON_VMS; ### single quotes on the rest return qq['$line']; }; 1; # Local variables: # c-indentation-style: bsd # c-basic-offset: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: # vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4: