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"""SSL Context Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Ng Pheng Siong. All rights reserved.""" __all__ = ['map', 'Context'] from weakref import WeakValueDictionary # M2Crypto import cb from M2Crypto import util, BIO, Err, RSA, m2, X509 class _ctxmap: singleton = None def __init__(self): self.map = WeakValueDictionary() def __getitem__(self, key): return self.map[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.map[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del self.map[key] def map(): if _ctxmap.singleton is None: _ctxmap.singleton = _ctxmap() return _ctxmap.singleton class Context: """'Context' for SSL connections.""" m2_ssl_ctx_free = m2.ssl_ctx_free def __init__(self, protocol='sslv23', weak_crypto=None, post_connection_check=None): proto = getattr(m2, protocol + '_method', None) if proto is None: raise ValueError, "no such protocol '%s'" % protocol self.ctx = m2.ssl_ctx_new(proto()) self.allow_unknown_ca = 0 self.post_connection_check = post_connection_check map()[long(self.ctx)] = self m2.ssl_ctx_set_cache_size(self.ctx, 128L) if weak_crypto is None: if protocol == 'sslv23': self.set_options(m2.SSL_OP_ALL | m2.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2) self.set_cipher_list('ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH') def __del__(self): if getattr(self, 'ctx', None): self.m2_ssl_ctx_free(self.ctx) def close(self): del map()[long(self.ctx)] def load_cert(self, certfile, keyfile=None, callback=util.passphrase_callback): """Load certificate and private key into the context. @param certfile: File that contains the PEM-encoded certificate. @type certfile: str @param keyfile: File that contains the PEM-encoded private key. Default value of None indicates that the private key is to be found in 'certfile'. @type keyfile: str @param callback: Callable object to be invoked if the private key is passphrase-protected. Default callback provides a simple terminal-style input for the passphrase. """ m2.ssl_ctx_passphrase_callback(self.ctx, callback) m2.ssl_ctx_use_cert(self.ctx, certfile) if not keyfile: keyfile = certfile m2.ssl_ctx_use_privkey(self.ctx, keyfile) if not m2.ssl_ctx_check_privkey(self.ctx): raise ValueError, 'public/private key mismatch' def load_cert_chain(self, certchainfile, keyfile=None, callback=util.passphrase_callback): """Load certificate chain and private key into the context. @param certchainfile: File object containing the PEM-encoded certificate chain. @type certchainfile: str @param keyfile: File object containing the PEM-encoded private key. Default value of None indicates that the private key is to be found in 'certchainfile'. @type keyfile: str @param callback: Callable object to be invoked if the private key is passphrase-protected. Default callback provides a simple terminal-style input for the passphrase. """ m2.ssl_ctx_passphrase_callback(self.ctx, callback) m2.ssl_ctx_use_cert_chain(self.ctx, certchainfile) if not keyfile: keyfile = certchainfile m2.ssl_ctx_use_privkey(self.ctx, keyfile) if not m2.ssl_ctx_check_privkey(self.ctx): raise ValueError, 'public/private key mismatch' def set_client_CA_list_from_file(self, cafile): """Load CA certs into the context. These CA certs are sent to the peer during *SSLv3 certificate request*. @param cafile: File object containing one or more PEM-encoded CA certificates concatenated together. @type cafile: str """ m2.ssl_ctx_set_client_CA_list_from_file(self.ctx, cafile) # Deprecated. load_client_CA = load_client_ca = set_client_CA_list_from_file def load_verify_locations(self, cafile=None, capath=None): """Load CA certs into the context. These CA certs are used during verification of the peer's certificate. @param cafile: File containing one or more PEM-encoded CA certificates concatenated together. @type cafile: str @param capath: Directory containing PEM-encoded CA certificates (one certificate per file). @type capath: str """ if cafile is None and capath is None: raise ValueError("cafile and capath can not both be None.") return m2.ssl_ctx_load_verify_locations(self.ctx, cafile, capath) # Deprecated. load_verify_info = load_verify_locations def set_session_id_ctx(self, id): ret = m2.ssl_ctx_set_session_id_context(self.ctx, id) if not ret: raise Err.SSLError(Err.get_error_code(), '') def set_allow_unknown_ca(self, ok): """Set the context to accept/reject a peer certificate if the certificate's CA is unknown. @param ok: True to accept, False to reject. @type ok: boolean """ self.allow_unknown_ca = ok def get_allow_unknown_ca(self): """Get the context's setting that accepts/rejects a peer certificate if the certificate's CA is unknown. """ return self.allow_unknown_ca def set_verify(self, mode, depth, callback=None): """ Set verify options. Most applications will need to call this method with the right options to make a secure SSL connection. @param mode: The verification mode to use. Typically at least SSL.verify_peer is used. Clients would also typically add SSL.verify_fail_if_no_peer_cert. @type mode: int @param depth: The maximum allowed depth of the certificate chain returned by the peer. @type depth: int @param callback: Callable that can be used to specify custom verification checks. """ if callback is None: m2.ssl_ctx_set_verify_default(self.ctx, mode) else: m2.ssl_ctx_set_verify(self.ctx, mode, callback) m2.ssl_ctx_set_verify_depth(self.ctx, depth) def get_verify_mode(self): return m2.ssl_ctx_get_verify_mode(self.ctx) def get_verify_depth(self): return m2.ssl_ctx_get_verify_depth(self.ctx) def set_tmp_dh(self, dhpfile): """Load ephemeral DH parameters into the context. @param dhpfile: File object containing the PEM-encoded DH parameters. @type dhpfile: str """ f = BIO.openfile(dhpfile) dhp = m2.dh_read_parameters(f.bio_ptr()) return m2.ssl_ctx_set_tmp_dh(self.ctx, dhp) def set_tmp_dh_callback(self, callback=None): if callback is not None: m2.ssl_ctx_set_tmp_dh_callback(self.ctx, callback) def set_tmp_rsa(self, rsa): """Load ephemeral RSA key into the context. @param rsa: M2Crypto.RSA.RSA instance. """ if isinstance(rsa, RSA.RSA): return m2.ssl_ctx_set_tmp_rsa(self.ctx, rsa.rsa) else: raise TypeError, "Expected an instance of RSA.RSA, got %s." % (rsa,) def set_tmp_rsa_callback(self, callback=None): if callback is not None: m2.ssl_ctx_set_tmp_rsa_callback(self.ctx, callback) def set_info_callback(self, callback=cb.ssl_info_callback): """ Set a callback function that can be used to get state information about the SSL connections that are created from this context. @param callback: Callback function. The default prints information to stderr. """ m2.ssl_ctx_set_info_callback(self.ctx, callback) def set_cipher_list(self, cipher_list): return m2.ssl_ctx_set_cipher_list(self.ctx, cipher_list) def add_session(self, session): return m2.ssl_ctx_add_session(self.ctx, session._ptr()) def remove_session(self, session): return m2.ssl_ctx_remove_session(self.ctx, session._ptr()) def get_session_timeout(self): return m2.ssl_ctx_get_session_timeout(self.ctx) def set_session_timeout(self, timeout): return m2.ssl_ctx_set_session_timeout(self.ctx, timeout) def set_session_cache_mode(self, mode): return m2.ssl_ctx_set_session_cache_mode(self.ctx, mode) def get_session_cache_mode(self): return m2.ssl_ctx_get_session_cache_mode(self.ctx) def set_options(self, op): return m2.ssl_ctx_set_options(self.ctx, op) def get_cert_store(self): """ Get the certificate store associated with this context. @warning: The store is NOT refcounted, and as such can not be relied to be valid once the context goes away or is changed. """ return X509.X509_Store(m2.ssl_ctx_get_cert_store(self.ctx))