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""" Lightweight schema migrations. NOTE: Currently tested with SQLite and Postgresql. MySQL may be missing some features. Example Usage ------------- Instantiate a migrator: # Postgres example: my_db = PostgresqlDatabase(...) migrator = PostgresqlMigrator(my_db) # SQLite example: my_db = SqliteDatabase('my_database.db') migrator = SqliteMigrator(my_db) Then you will use the `migrate` function to run various `Operation`s which are generated by the migrator: migrate( migrator.add_column('some_table', 'column_name', CharField(default='')) ) Migrations are not run inside a transaction, so if you wish the migration to run in a transaction you will need to wrap the call to `migrate` in a transaction block, e.g.: with my_db.transaction(): migrate(...) Supported Operations -------------------- Add new field(s) to an existing model: # Create your field instances. For non-null fields you must specify a # default value. pubdate_field = DateTimeField(null=True) comment_field = TextField(default='') # Run the migration, specifying the database table, field name and field. migrate( migrator.add_column('comment_tbl', 'pub_date', pubdate_field), migrator.add_column('comment_tbl', 'comment', comment_field), ) Renaming a field: # Specify the table, original name of the column, and its new name. migrate( migrator.rename_column('story', 'pub_date', 'publish_date'), migrator.rename_column('story', 'mod_date', 'modified_date'), ) Dropping a field: migrate( migrator.drop_column('story', 'some_old_field'), ) Making a field nullable or not nullable: # Note that when making a field not null that field must not have any # NULL values present. migrate( # Make `pub_date` allow NULL values. migrator.drop_not_null('story', 'pub_date'), # Prevent `modified_date` from containing NULL values. migrator.add_not_null('story', 'modified_date'), ) Renaming a table: migrate( migrator.rename_table('story', 'stories_tbl'), ) Adding an index: # Specify the table, column names, and whether the index should be # UNIQUE or not. migrate( # Create an index on the `pub_date` column. migrator.add_index('story', ('pub_date',), False), # Create a multi-column index on the `pub_date` and `status` fields. migrator.add_index('story', ('pub_date', 'status'), False), # Create a unique index on the category and title fields. migrator.add_index('story', ('category_id', 'title'), True), ) Dropping an index: # Specify the index name. migrate(migrator.drop_index('story', 'story_pub_date_status')) """ from collections import namedtuple import functools import re from peewee import * from peewee import CommaClause from peewee import EnclosedClause from peewee import Entity from peewee import Expression from peewee import Node from peewee import OP class Operation(object): """Encapsulate a single schema altering operation.""" def __init__(self, migrator, method, *args, **kwargs): self.migrator = migrator self.method = method self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def _parse_node(self, node): compiler = self.migrator.database.compiler() return compiler.parse_node(node) def execute(self, node): sql, params = self._parse_node(node) self.migrator.database.execute_sql(sql, params) def _handle_result(self, result): if isinstance(result, Node): self.execute(result) elif isinstance(result, Operation): result.run() elif isinstance(result, (list, tuple)): for item in result: self._handle_result(item) def run(self): kwargs = self.kwargs.copy() kwargs['generate'] = True self._handle_result( getattr(self.migrator, self.method)(*self.args, **kwargs)) def operation(fn): @functools.wraps(fn) def inner(self, *args, **kwargs): generate = kwargs.pop('generate', False) if generate: return fn(self, *args, **kwargs) return Operation(self, fn.__name__, *args, **kwargs) return inner class SchemaMigrator(object): explicit_create_foreign_key = False explicit_delete_foreign_key = False def __init__(self, database): self.database = database @classmethod def from_database(cls, database): if isinstance(database, PostgresqlDatabase): return PostgresqlMigrator(database) elif isinstance(database, MySQLDatabase): return MySQLMigrator(database) else: return SqliteMigrator(database) @operation def apply_default(self, table, column_name, field): default = field.default if callable(default): default = default() return Clause( SQL('UPDATE'), Entity(table), SQL('SET'), Expression( Entity(column_name), OP.EQ, Param(field.db_value(default)), flat=True)) @operation def alter_add_column(self, table, column_name, field): # Make field null at first. field_null, field.null = field.null, True field.name = field.db_column = column_name field_clause = self.database.compiler().field_definition(field) field.null = field_null parts = [ SQL('ALTER TABLE'), Entity(table), SQL('ADD COLUMN'), field_clause] if isinstance(field, ForeignKeyField): parts.extend(self.get_inline_fk_sql(field)) return Clause(*parts) def get_inline_fk_sql(self, field): return [ SQL('REFERENCES'), Entity(field.rel_model._meta.db_table), EnclosedClause(Entity(field.to_field.db_column)) ] @operation def add_foreign_key_constraint(self, table, column_name, field): raise NotImplementedError @operation def add_column(self, table, column_name, field): # Adding a column is complicated by the fact that if there are rows # present and the field is non-null, then we need to first add the # column as a nullable field, then set the value, then add a not null # constraint. if not field.null and field.default is None: raise ValueError('%s is not null but has no default' % column_name) is_foreign_key = isinstance(field, ForeignKeyField) # Foreign key fields must explicitly specify a `to_field`. if is_foreign_key and not field.to_field: raise ValueError('Foreign keys must specify a `to_field`.') operations = [self.alter_add_column(table, column_name, field)] # In the event the field is *not* nullable, update with the default # value and set not null. if not field.null: operations.extend([ self.apply_default(table, column_name, field), self.add_not_null(table, column_name)]) if is_foreign_key and self.explicit_create_foreign_key: operations.append( self.add_foreign_key_constraint( table, column_name, field.rel_model._meta.db_table, field.to_field.db_column)) return operations @operation def drop_foreign_key_constraint(self, table, column_name): raise NotImplementedError @operation def drop_column(self, table, column_name, cascade=True): nodes = [ SQL('ALTER TABLE'), Entity(table), SQL('DROP COLUMN'), Entity(column_name)] if cascade: nodes.append(SQL('CASCADE')) drop_column_node = Clause(*nodes) fk_columns = [ foreign_key.column for foreign_key in self.database.get_foreign_keys(table)] if column_name in fk_columns and self.explicit_delete_foreign_key: return [ self.drop_foreign_key_constraint(table, column_name), drop_column_node] else: return drop_column_node @operation def rename_column(self, table, old_name, new_name): return Clause( SQL('ALTER TABLE'), Entity(table), SQL('RENAME COLUMN'), Entity(old_name), SQL('TO'), Entity(new_name)) def _alter_column(self, table, column): return [ SQL('ALTER TABLE'), Entity(table), SQL('ALTER COLUMN'), Entity(column)] @operation def add_not_null(self, table, column): nodes = self._alter_column(table, column) nodes.append(SQL('SET NOT NULL')) return Clause(*nodes) @operation def drop_not_null(self, table, column): nodes = self._alter_column(table, column) nodes.append(SQL('DROP NOT NULL')) return Clause(*nodes) @operation def rename_table(self, old_name, new_name): return Clause( SQL('ALTER TABLE'), Entity(old_name), SQL('RENAME TO'), Entity(new_name)) @operation def add_index(self, table, columns, unique=False): compiler = self.database.compiler() statement = 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX' if unique else 'CREATE INDEX' return Clause( SQL(statement), Entity(compiler.index_name(table, columns)), SQL('ON'), Entity(table), EnclosedClause(*[Entity(column) for column in columns])) @operation def drop_index(self, table, index_name): return Clause( SQL('DROP INDEX'), Entity(index_name)) class PostgresqlMigrator(SchemaMigrator): def _primary_key_columns(self, tbl): query = """ SELECT pg_attribute.attname FROM pg_index, pg_class, pg_attribute WHERE pg_class.oid = '%s'::regclass AND indrelid = pg_class.oid AND pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid AND pg_attribute.attnum = any(pg_index.indkey) AND indisprimary; """ cursor = self.database.execute_sql(query % tbl) return [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()] @operation def rename_table(self, old_name, new_name): pk_names = self._primary_key_columns(old_name) ParentClass = super(PostgresqlMigrator, self) operations = [ ParentClass.rename_table(old_name, new_name, generate=True)] if len(pk_names) == 1: # Check for existence of primary key sequence. seq_name = '%s_%s_seq' % (old_name, pk_names[0]) query = """ SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.sequences WHERE LOWER(sequence_name) = LOWER(%s) """ cursor = self.database.execute_sql(query, (seq_name,)) if bool(cursor.fetchone()): new_seq_name = '%s_%s_seq' % (new_name, pk_names[0]) operations.append(ParentClass.rename_table( seq_name, new_seq_name, generate=True)) return operations _column_attributes = ('name', 'definition', 'null', 'pk', 'default', 'extra') class MySQLColumn(namedtuple('_Column', _column_attributes)): @property def is_pk(self): return self.pk == 'PRI' @property def is_unique(self): return self.pk == 'UNI' @property def is_null(self): return self.null == 'YES' def sql(self, column_name=None, is_null=None): if is_null is None: is_null = self.is_null if column_name is None: column_name = self.name parts = [ Entity(column_name), SQL(self.definition)] if self.is_unique: parts.append(SQL('UNIQUE')) if is_null: parts.append(SQL('NULL')) else: parts.append(SQL('NOT NULL')) if self.is_pk: parts.append(SQL('PRIMARY KEY')) if self.extra: parts.append(SQL(self.extra)) return Clause(*parts) class MySQLMigrator(SchemaMigrator): explicit_create_foreign_key = True explicit_delete_foreign_key = True @operation def rename_table(self, old_name, new_name): return Clause( SQL('RENAME TABLE'), Entity(old_name), SQL('TO'), Entity(new_name)) def _get_column_definition(self, table, column_name): cursor = self.database.execute_sql('DESCRIBE %s;' % table) rows = cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: column = MySQLColumn(*row) if column.name == column_name: return column return False @operation def add_foreign_key_constraint(self, table, column_name, rel, rel_column): # TODO: refactor, this duplicates QueryCompiler._create_foreign_key constraint = 'fk_%s_%s_refs_%s' % (table, column_name, rel) return Clause( SQL('ALTER TABLE'), Entity(table), SQL('ADD CONSTRAINT'), Entity(constraint), SQL('FOREIGN KEY'), EnclosedClause(Entity(column_name)), SQL('REFERENCES'), Entity(rel), EnclosedClause(Entity(rel_column))) def get_foreign_key_constraint(self, table, column_name): cursor = self.database.execute_sql( ('SELECT constraint_name ' 'FROM information_schema.key_column_usage WHERE ' 'table_schema = DATABASE() AND ' 'table_name = %s AND ' 'column_name = %s;'), (table, column_name)) result = cursor.fetchone() if not result: raise AttributeError( 'Unable to find foreign key constraint for ' '"%s" on table "%s".' % (table, column_name)) return result[0] @operation def drop_foreign_key_constraint(self, table, column_name): return Clause( SQL('ALTER TABLE'), Entity(table), SQL('DROP FOREIGN KEY'), Entity(self.get_foreign_key_constraint(table, column_name))) def get_inline_fk_sql(self, field): return [] @operation def add_not_null(self, table, column): column = self._get_column_definition(table, column) return Clause( SQL('ALTER TABLE'), Entity(table), SQL('MODIFY'), column.sql(is_null=False)) @operation def drop_not_null(self, table, column): column = self._get_column_definition(table, column) if column.is_pk: raise ValueError('Primary keys can not be null') return Clause( SQL('ALTER TABLE'), Entity(table), SQL('MODIFY'), column.sql(is_null=True)) @operation def rename_column(self, table, old_name, new_name): fk_objects = dict( (fk.column, fk) for fk in self.database.get_foreign_keys(table)) is_foreign_key = old_name in fk_objects column = self._get_column_definition(table, old_name) rename_clause = Clause( SQL('ALTER TABLE'), Entity(table), SQL('CHANGE'), Entity(old_name), column.sql(column_name=new_name)) if is_foreign_key: fk_metadata = fk_objects[old_name] return [ self.drop_foreign_key_constraint(table, old_name), rename_clause, self.add_foreign_key_constraint( table, new_name, fk_metadata.dest_table, fk_metadata.dest_column), ] else: return rename_clause @operation def drop_index(self, table, index_name): return Clause( SQL('DROP INDEX'), Entity(index_name), SQL('ON'), Entity(table)) class SqliteMigrator(SchemaMigrator): """ SQLite supports a subset of ALTER TABLE queries, view the docs for the full details http://sqlite.org/lang_altertable.html """ column_re = re.compile('(.+?)\((.+)\)') column_split_re = re.compile(r'(?:[^,(]|\([^)]*\))+') column_name_re = re.compile('["`\']?([\w]+)') fk_re = re.compile('FOREIGN KEY\s+\("?([\w]+)"?\)\s+', re.I) def _get_column_names(self, table): res = self.database.execute_sql('select * from "%s" limit 1' % table) return [item[0] for item in res.description] def _get_create_table(self, table): res = self.database.execute_sql( ('select name, sql from sqlite_master ' 'where type=? and LOWER(name)=?'), ['table', table.lower()]) return res.fetchone() @operation def _update_column(self, table, column_to_update, fn): columns = set(column.name.lower() for column in self.database.get_columns(table)) if column_to_update.lower() not in columns: raise ValueError('Column "%s" does not exist on "%s"' % (column_to_update, table)) # Get the SQL used to create the given table. table, create_table = self._get_create_table(table) # Get the indexes and SQL to re-create indexes. indexes = self.database.get_indexes(table) # Find any foreign keys we may need to remove. self.database.get_foreign_keys(table) # Make sure the create_table does not contain any newlines or tabs, # allowing the regex to work correctly. create_table = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', create_table) # Parse out the `CREATE TABLE` and column list portions of the query. raw_create, raw_columns = self.column_re.search(create_table).groups() # Clean up the individual column definitions. split_columns = self.column_split_re.findall(raw_columns) column_defs = [col.strip() for col in split_columns] new_column_defs = [] new_column_names = [] original_column_names = [] for column_def in column_defs: column_name, = self.column_name_re.match(column_def).groups() if column_name == column_to_update: new_column_def = fn(column_name, column_def) if new_column_def: new_column_defs.append(new_column_def) original_column_names.append(column_name) column_name, = self.column_name_re.match( new_column_def).groups() new_column_names.append(column_name) else: new_column_defs.append(column_def) if not column_name.lower().startswith(('foreign', 'primary')): new_column_names.append(column_name) original_column_names.append(column_name) # Create a mapping of original columns to new columns. original_to_new = dict(zip(original_column_names, new_column_names)) new_column = original_to_new.get(column_to_update) fk_filter_fn = lambda column_def: column_def if not new_column: # Remove any foreign keys associated with this column. fk_filter_fn = lambda column_def: None elif new_column != column_to_update: # Update any foreign keys for this column. fk_filter_fn = lambda column_def: self.fk_re.sub( 'FOREIGN KEY ("%s") ' % new_column, column_def) cleaned_columns = [] for column_def in new_column_defs: match = self.fk_re.match(column_def) if match is not None and match.groups()[0] == column_to_update: column_def = fk_filter_fn(column_def) if column_def: cleaned_columns.append(column_def) # Update the name of the new CREATE TABLE query. temp_table = table + '__tmp__' rgx = re.compile('("?)%s("?)' % table, re.I) create = rgx.sub( '\\1%s\\2' % temp_table, raw_create) # Create the new table. columns = ', '.join(cleaned_columns) queries = [ Clause(SQL('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS'), Entity(temp_table)), SQL('%s (%s)' % (create.strip(), columns))] # Populate new table. populate_table = Clause( SQL('INSERT INTO'), Entity(temp_table), EnclosedClause(*[Entity(col) for col in new_column_names]), SQL('SELECT'), CommaClause(*[Entity(col) for col in original_column_names]), SQL('FROM'), Entity(table)) queries.append(populate_table) # Drop existing table and rename temp table. queries.append(Clause( SQL('DROP TABLE'), Entity(table))) queries.append(self.rename_table(temp_table, table)) # Re-create user-defined indexes. User-defined indexes will have a # non-empty SQL attribute. for index in filter(lambda idx: idx.sql, indexes): if column_to_update not in index.columns: queries.append(SQL(index.sql)) elif new_column: sql = self._fix_index(index.sql, column_to_update, new_column) if sql is not None: queries.append(SQL(sql)) return queries def _fix_index(self, sql, column_to_update, new_column): # Split on the name of the column to update. If it splits into two # pieces, then there's no ambiguity and we can simply replace the # old with the new. parts = sql.split(column_to_update) if len(parts) == 2: return sql.replace(column_to_update, new_column) # Find the list of columns in the index expression. lhs, rhs = sql.rsplit('(', 1) # Apply the same "split in two" logic to the column list portion of # the query. if len(rhs.split(column_to_update)) == 2: return '%s(%s' % (lhs, rhs.replace(column_to_update, new_column)) # Strip off the trailing parentheses and go through each column. parts = rhs.rsplit(')', 1)[0].split(',') columns = [part.strip('"`[]\' ') for part in parts] # `columns` looks something like: ['status', 'timestamp" DESC'] # https://www.sqlite.org/lang_keywords.html # Strip out any junk after the column name. clean = [] for column in columns: if re.match('%s(?:[\'"`\]]?\s|$)' % column_to_update, column): column = new_columne + column[len(column_to_update):] clean.append(column) return '%s(%s)' % (lhs, ', '.join('"%s"' % c for c in clean)) @operation def drop_column(self, table, column_name, cascade=True): return self._update_column(table, column_name, lambda a, b: None) @operation def rename_column(self, table, old_name, new_name): def _rename(column_name, column_def): return column_def.replace(column_name, new_name) return self._update_column(table, old_name, _rename) @operation def add_not_null(self, table, column): def _add_not_null(column_name, column_def): return column_def + ' NOT NULL' return self._update_column(table, column, _add_not_null) @operation def drop_not_null(self, table, column): def _drop_not_null(column_name, column_def): return column_def.replace('NOT NULL', '') return self._update_column(table, column, _drop_not_null) def migrate(*operations, **kwargs): for operation in operations: operation.run()